We are pleased to offer you a great way to earn rank in the Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu training system. Our complete curriculum is especially designed for those who do not live close to a dojo and would not be able train or test for rank in person. At Ninja Training TV, we have created a total online system for advancing in rank and receiving feedback from Sensei Mark Roemke at every step.
How to Earn Rank:
1.) JOIN the Bujinkan Organization, as per Grandmaster Hatsumi Sensei’s requirement ($40 + $15 processing fee)
2.) PURCHASE the White Belt to Black Belt Set from Ninja Training TV; download and print out the written curriculum for study purposes.
3.) PRACTICE the curriculum. Starting with 9th Kyu, study your current level at least 3 times a week.
4.) REGISTER on Ninja Training TV when you are ready to submit your first video test for rank.
In your test video, you will demonstrate each movement from the Kyu you are studying.
NOTE: some movements may require a partner to act as your “Uke.”
See other FAQs at the bottom of this page.
5.) TEST
See below options for testing
Bujinkan Rank Certificate

Registration Options for Testing:
We will review your test video and you will receive an email response of “Pass or Fail” along with comments and suggestions to improve your ninjutsu.
If you Pass, we will email you a customized Ninja Training TV Kyu Rank Certificate that you can print out. If you do not pass, you can test again at no charge until you pass.
We will review your test video and you will receive a video response of “Pass or Fail” along with personalized training tips and suggestions to improve your ninjutsu. If you Pass, we will email you a customized Ninja Training TV Kyu Rank Certificate that you can print out. If you do not pass, you can test again at no charge until you pass. With this package, a Honbu Dojo Japanese Rank Certificate is available for purchase once you pass your test.
Registration Options for Shodan Level - Test and Certificate:
Black Belt Shodan Level
First Degree Black Belt Shodan Level Testing must be done after passing 1st Kyu. Must take Shodan test in person by coming to Sensei Roemke's Dojo, Ninja Training TV seminar, or by special in-person arrangement.
Frequently Asked Questions:
You must start from 9th Kyu unless you can provide proof of rank from the Honbu Dojo of another rank that you have already earned.
Once you purchase your testing package Ninja Training TV will send you a link to a cloud account where you can upload a video of your test.
If you do not pass the test on the first try, you may continue to retest at no extra cost until you pass.
We do not test people for Shodan “Black Belt” through online video testing, as it is the level that must be done in person at a seminar with Sensei Roemke in your area or by testing in person at Pathways Dojo with Sensei Roemke in Santa Cruz, California.